
pyrowire relies on a few underlying tools to run. We recommend using pip/virtualenv, but there are a few other ways you can do this, depending on your inclinations.



We lean heavily towards pip for installing virtualenv, since ultimately it is our preferred distribution method for pyrowire. Fortunately, installing pip is super easy.


If you are a Homebrew user, and have installed python with

$ brew install python

you should already have pip on your machine. Otherwise, you can use easy_install:

$ sudo easy_install *pip*


To install pip on Linux, you can use the default package manager for your Linux flavor:

$ sudo (yum|apt-get) install python-*pip*


virtualenv is a great tool for development, because it isolates python versions from the system python version. This is great for you because it means you can develop your python applications independent of each other, regardless of whether they require different versions of python and your application’s various dependencies.

OS X/Linux

Getting virtualenv installed is pretty straightforward, using either easy_install:

$ sudo easy_install *virtualenv*

or, with pip (our fav):

$ sudo *pip* install *virtualenv*


pyrowire currently has a hard dependency on Redis, so you will need to install that on your dev machine:


Do it with Homebrew (if you don’t use Homebrew, you really should check it out):

$ brew install redis



$ sudo apt-get install redis-server


$ sudo yum install redis

Optional dependencies

Whereas you do not require the dependencies in this section, they may come in handy for testing/development.


ngrok is a great tool for testing that forwards a public-facing URL to your local machine. This is great for testing your pyrowire app, since you can set your ngrok URL as your Twilio number’s messaging endpoint and test your app without actually deploying to Heroku or another environment.


If you are Homebrew user, simply run:

$ brew install ngrok

If you don’t use homebrew, you can download the binary here and run it as an executable.



$ sudo apt-get install ngrok-server


$ sudo yum install ngrok-server

Installing pyrowire

Via pip

Once you have the pip and virtualenv dependencies met, you are clear to install pyrowire. Our preferred method is via pip:

$ mkdir my_pyrowire_project
$ *virtualenv* my_pyrowire_project
$ cd my_pyrowire_project && source bin/activate
$ *pip* install pyrowire

Installing from Source

If you really want to download and install pyrowire, you are welcome to do that as well. Visit the release page, and grab the latest version, then just run python install to install it locally.