pyrowire 0.1.0

pyrowire is a framework you can use to quickly create Twilio-based SMS/MMS applications, licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.


For the purposes of this quickstart, it is assumed that you have an account with both Heroku and Twilio, and that you have at minimum the following installed:

  • pip
  • virtualenv

In your virtual environment’s root directory, execute:

$ pip install pyrowire && pyrowire --init
This will install pyrowire, and copy into the root folder the following files:



Sample Application

Here’s what the file (created by running pyrowire --init) looks like:

import pyrowire
import my_settings

# configure the pyrowire application

# all app.processor methods need to be annotated with the topic
# for which they process and take one kwarg, 'message_data'
def my_processor(message_data):
    if not message_data:
        raise TypeError("message_data must not be None")

    # insert handler logic here
    return message_data

# all pyro.filter methods need to be annotated with the name
# of the filter and take one kwarg, 'message_data'
def my_filter(message_data):
    if not message_data:
        raise TypeError("message_data must not be None")

    # insert validation logic here
    # validators should try to prove that the message is invalid, i.e., return True
    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':

As you can see, it’s rather straightforward; to start out you are given placeholders for both a handler and a validator. The handler is where you will write the business logic for your Twilio application, and additional validators can be added if needed, or removed altogether. See their Handlers and Message Validation for more information.

pyrowire Tutorial

If you feel like getting the walkthrough now, head over to the tutorial section.